I have to confess that although i've only been blogging since the start of the year, I have already become somewhat of a Swap addict! I love them so much that I signed up to not one, not two, but THREE Jubillee swaps this Summer! The third, Lakota's Faith Hope & Charity Shopping Swap, where i'm paired up with the lovely Heather, is not due until next month, so i'm still putting that one together, but this week i've received two beautiful parcels, from Twinkle Star (MoonstruckCreations & Crafts@home Jubillee Swap) and Jumbleberries (Laa Laa's God Save the Queen swap).
Now I will post on Laa Laa's Swap later on today, and i'm dying to show you what I have received, Clare has been SO generous!
So in this post I am going to share with you the lovely box of goodies which I received from
Twinkle Star and what I sent to her in return.
I'd been having so much fun preparing my swaps, that I'd completely forgotten that I too would be getting something! So I was a little perplexed when I opened the door for the postman and he handed me the parcel. Hubby gave me his usual "what have you ordered this time?!" look, and for once, I was all a blank! :) So you can imagine my excitement when i opened the box!!;
Twinkle Star has been SO generous, I am absolutely thrilled..and a little prezzie for Mia too!
I was like a child on Christmas morning!! This is what was inside;
A lovely handmade brooch! I wore this to the Jubillee party last Monday!;
A Crown ring - fits me perfectly too which is lucky has I have huge knuckles! I LOVE it! and have worn it all week.
Some paperchains; I am very pleased with these as I have kept meaning to buy some and never got around to it - they look great on my dresser;
This fab mask!! Mia has been eyeing this up!;
Sweets - as you can probably tell, they have already been opened, couldn't resist!
A beautiful rose-scented candle - this is very appropriate as Roses are my favourite!
Some gorgeous ribbon, craft paper and buttons; I don't know if Twinkle knew this, but I have a thing for ribbon - I love to go and browse our local habidashery shop and buy a metre or two - sometimes when I have no idea how i'm going to use it - i've got quite a collection!;
Some Union Jack napkins; we had the same idea here, as i'd actually bought these very same ones for another Jubillee swap i'm taking part in!
This brilliant frame! It looks fab in my Jubillee display!
A commemmorative spoon! Now this really brought back memories - I used to collect these when I was a little girl,(I think my Gran started it off by bringing me back one from a holiday in Guernsey) I don't know what happened to my little collection, but i'm very pleased with this!!;
This super chocolate medal - Mia will be wanting this big time - she begged me for one in Tesco not so long ago..I think i will be sharing it! (And keeping the ribbon afterwards!)
And finally, I was chuffed to bits with this!! Twinkle got me spot on and sent me this lovely Enid Blyton book, together with Union Jack bookmark! You may already know that I collect Enid Blyton books, but i've never heard of this one before, so of course didn't already have it..it's perfect!
Mia was also so, so excited to open a little parcel with this most gorgeous hair clip!! She wore it in her hair to the Jubillee party!;
Thank you Twinkle I LOVE everything, i feel very spoilt!
And this is what i sent:
We had the same idea with the paper..I saw it in the window of a shop in town and thought it would be perfect for the swap!;
A commemorative mug;
A handmade mirror (from one of my favourite Etsy shops);
Some ribbon;
Thorntons "Best of British" chocs;
A Handmade Corgi cloth bag; (From Etsy)
A London themed card;
Soldier tin;
Cath Kidston "London" fabric phone/gadget case;
A packet of Royal Flush playing cards;
Some Union Jack cups;
I have had SO much fun taking part in this swap! Thank you Twinkle for my lovely gifts, I shall treasure them all!!